Knowledge Series Agenda

Franchise Knowledge Series - June 23, 2019
Welcome Note by: Ritu Marya, Editor-in-Chief, Entrepreneur India & APAC
10:30 am - 11:00 am Key Note: Leadership of Tomorrow – A Journey of future Entrepreneurship, International business development & Franchising by world Renowned Rich Maloney, Founder & CEO, Engage & Grow
Session 1: Growing to 10, 20, 30 & Beyond – It's More Than Unit Count

Growing from 1 or 2 units to 10 and then to 50 units is a big decision. Having a strategic growth plan and executing against it will help ensure successful growth. A well-executed franchise program can expand a sound business concept into a world-wide organization. In this session you will learn from the expert how to franchise your business and what to look out for when doing so.

Opening new locations whether as COCO or FOCO or FOFO presents multiple new challenges and responsibilities for growth-minded franchisees —challenges that will also change as the organization scales fast – How to evolve quickly as Master franchisee/Multi –Unit Franchisee enterprise

To minimize risk and maximize your chances of success, your role as a franchisee must expand to include job creator, career developer, community builder, leader, and visionary.

Acing the Multi_unit Franchising -How does the support system for the Multi- unit franchisee work and as a master franchisee what needs to be done to Avoiding conflicts between HO, Master Franchisee and Unit Franchisee

Join this panel of experts who have grown their enterprises, their teams, and themselves.

Session Moderator : Venus Barak, CEO, FranGlobal
Zoltan Mark Olmosi, Head of Operations,PanIQ
Nick Taplin, Chairman & CEO, Black & White Hospitality Ltd.
Charlie Thompson, Founder & MD, The Massage Company
Ryan Smolkin, Founder & CEO, Smoke's Poutinerie
BharathUppiliappan, CEO,Dr.LalPathlabs

Diversifying your portfolio with new brands is what brings scale to the franchisee operations bigger for an organisation. Whether you’re looking to add one new brand or five–proven strategies can be employed to succeed. What is the solid infrastructure that needs to be put in place well in advance. This requires the right people, sufficient resources and proper planning. Learn how successful multi-brand franchisees identified and resolved the critical financial, structural, cultural and other issues involved in choosing a new brand and integrating it into their existing organization.

Rajat Wahi, Partner,Deloitte India
12:45 pm - 13:15 pm THE LOCATION ECONOMICS


As markets develop, demographics shift, and competition for the best sites continues to heat up in 2019, so does the challenge of finding the “A” sites in your target markets and how to identify the best locations to match your growth strategy and plans. The Panel will help you keep up with the changes in the real estate market. This panel of experts will help you better understand what’s going on today — and how to find best real estate deals for tomorrow

  • Real Estate Trend & Tips To Find the "A" Sites
  • Rules of Negotiating New Leases for Multiple stores or Renegotiating Existing Ones
  • What is the ROI for pursuing non-traditional sites vs. traditional sites?
  • Co-branding: The Advantages of Putting your Multiple brands under One roof 

  • Lease Negotiations & Re-Negotiations -How do you get the best deal, not only today, but down the road when it comes time to renew a lease (or move)?
Marvin da Silva, International Franchise Consultant, Kerrimo
Gaurav Sabharwal, CEO & Founder, Wok Boyz
13:15 am - 14:15 pm Networking Lunch
14:15 pm - 15:15 pm Session 2: GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES - INDIA MARKET
The Big Opportunity for India to partner with Global Brands
  • What is the real potential that global Brands see in India – Mapping India and its real opportunity? Parameters on which they weigh India
  • Why does master franchising make sense? For the franchisor? For the franchisee?
  • What are the rights and responsibilities they see for each party? How to analyze the economics?
  • How do Brands see phased Growth happening in the country? What support needs to be in place? Where should you go first and what results can you expect?
  • India Franchise Strategy: Master Franchising and Sub Franchising Strategy at Large
  • Localization for Indian market: What Brands are ready to change in their systems for Indian market
  • What do franchisors look for in a potential master franchisee
  • What are the criterion on which a global brands Evaluate Indian Partner
  • What Preparations does a brand do at the back of the house to manage their network in India?
  • What are the principal negotiating points?
  • How to assess whether three party franchising is right for you from the franchisor and area franchisee perspectives
KaranyaJarutabin, CEO, Mango Mania
Ryan Smolkin,Co-Founder & CEO,Smoke's Poutinerie
Federico Pulvino, CEO & Founder, Lime Restaurant
Amy Hsiao, Sr. Vice President,Logiclink
Elliot Walker, CEO, The Massage Company
James Kenneth, MD, The Good Place
15:15 pm – 16:00 pm Session 3: FINANCE MASTER CLASS

A panel discussion on financial returns of investing in any MASTER /MULTI-UNIT franchise business: understanding the business model, what are the key performance indicators, developing a realistic business plan, and how to forecast long-term revenues, profits, and return on your investment?

Financial Reportcard -Financial Performance of a big franchise organization

  • How to measure and create financially successful franchise system by measuring Unit level economics, continuously evaluating and managing franchisee performance?
  • Rigidly reviewing Brand's financial health for tomorrow's Financial Performance representation aligned to opportunities of going public, raising Funds etc.
  • Improving franchisee performance and profitability
  • Maximizing financial credits and incentives available to franchises
  • "Know thy numbers": having a financial dashboard to review how the actuals are aligned to the forecasts.
GyulaCsitari, Co-founder, Strategy Director, Logiscool
Cristiano Iezzi, Co-Founder & Development Manager, C House
Vikrant Tomer, COO, Ice Cream Labs
Doug Downer, CEO, The Alternative Board
16:00 pm - 16:30 pm Session 4: LEGAL MASTERCLASS

The Right Agreement: Legal Insights and Franchise agreements Practices

This session will address the legal issues involved in protecting franchise systems, including franchisors, franchisees interests and the Brand IP that is critical for its success

  • Master Franchise Agreements Vs Area Developer Agreements
  • The importance of understanding the interests, values and needs of the parties behind franchise disputes
  • The New Generation of IP Challenges emanating from the Digital Media
  • The top Considerations for Franchisors and Franchise Systems Going Public
  • Dealing with Renewal of Franchise Relationships
Shivendra Kundra, Founding Partner, Kundra&Bansal